Monday, October 20, 2008

Linking to Renewable Energy

I hope that you have learned much from my blog on renewable energy, but I cannot cover the entire spectrum of information on this subject. If you are still unsatisfied with my information on renewable energy, you can search for recent news on renewable energy, or you can browse through this list of recommended links, along with arguments as to why you should visit these links.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency

This site contains an abundance of information on the environment, but you can also find various sections of the site related to energy, specifically, the Green Vehicle Guide, which you can use to select environmentally friendly vehicles, and the Climate Change section, which contains a extensive summary of global warming, along with many other links for exploration.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory

This site deals with several aspects of renewable energy, including current news on the topic, small summaries of renewable energy sources, and technologies that utilize renewable energy. Much of the information I have seen is brief and lacks detail, but some links leading to more detailed assessments often accompany this information, making this site an excellent hub for gathering information.

The U.S. Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

This site is extensively detailed, offering enormous sums of information on renewable energy, with each main hub of information on each type of renewable energy branching into several subunits that detail various aspects of the energy type, but these branches are sometimes short. Still, the vast array of diverse coverage on renewable energy warrants a visit to this site.

The Energy Information Administration

This site does not contain many overviews on renewable energy, so you should not look at this site if you want that type of information. That said, this site is a very good site for accessing data on topics on or related to energy. You can find energy forecasts, greenhouse gas data, power plant emission levels, Congressional reports, and data on energy production on the site, making the site wonderful for those who like to see raw figures and draw their own opinions on the current energy situation.

The California Cars Initiative

If you have thoroughly read my blog, you have heard of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. This site has a simple goal - to make automobile manufacturers to produce these vehicles. I have mentioned some facts on these vehicles, but this site provides much more detail on these vehicles. There are also news articles and videos on the site, allowing you to explore this concept without expending much effort.

Global Climate Change- NASA's Eyes on the Earth

This site is focused on the environmental impact of global warming, and the site delivers information on global warming in an easily absorbed fashion. For those who do not want to read extensive articles, the top bar offers a brief summary of the effects of global warming, ranging from sea level rise to the size of the ozone hole and carbon dioxide levels. The site also has several interactives, allowing you to become engaged in this issue.

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